Online Atlas - Pennsylvania  

Pennsylvania Atlas


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Pennsylvania facts and history plus travel and tourism information.

Capital: Harrisburg
Abbreviations: PA (postal), Pa.
Area: 46,058 square miles
State Bird: Ruffed Grouse
State Tree: Hemlock
State Flower: Mountain Laurel
State Motto: Virtue, Liberty, and Independence
Nickname: The Keystone State

Pennsylvania was inhabited by Delaware and Susquehannock Native Americans prior to 1609, when Henry Hudson arrived in the Delaware Bay. Settlers from England, Sweden, and the Netherlands migrated to Pennsylvania shortly after, and in 1681, English Quaker William Penn was named proprietor of the region. Penn encouraged religious freedom, and sects such as the Old Order Amish, Mennonites, and Quakers still live on Pennsylvania's soil.

Pennsylvania was among the thirteen colonies that opposed England during the Revolutionary War, and the Declaration of Independence was signed in Independence Hall, Philadelphia. The Battle of Gettysburg occurred in Pennsylvania during the Civil War.

Pennsylvania's economy is based on farming, coal mining, manufacturing, banking, retailing, tourism, and other industries. The Allegheny Mountains and Pocono Mountains draw skiers in the winter and hikers, campers, and fishermen during other seasons. The way of life in Amish Country draws curious tourists, and the Delaware, Ohio, and Susquehanna Rivers provide outdoor activities. Pennsylvania's major cities include Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and the capital, Harrisburg.

Pennsylvania Map

Map of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Links

  1. Pennsylvania Government - official Pennsylvania state website.
  2. - Pennsylvania travel and tourism.
  3. National Parks in Pennsylvania
  4. Pennsylvania QuickFacts - from the US Census Bureau.
  5. - Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Resources

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Pennsylvania History and Geography