Online Atlas - Ohio  

Ohio Atlas


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Ohio facts and history plus travel and tourism information.

Capital: Columbus
Abbreviation: OH (postal), O.
Area: 44,828 square miles
State Bird: Cardinal
State Tree: Buckeye
State Flower: Scarlet Carnation
State Motto: With God, All Things Are Possible
Nickname: The Buckeye State

Ohio's accessible location has attracted immigrants from all over the world, bringing a diverse cultural heritage to the region. The Ohio territory became the 17th state, on March 1, 1803, and settlers came to build lives here from all directions. Ohio has been the birthplace of many famous people, including eight presidents, inventors Thomas Edison and Orville Wright, and famous astronauts Neil Armstrong and John Glenn. The region's history is well preserved, with many registered Historic Places.

Bordering five states, Lake Erie, and the Ohio River, Ohio is a strategic location for agriculture and industry. Farm produce, dairy products, and plants are easily transported to markets for sale, and machinery, motor vehicles, rubber goods, and metal products may be shipped to other states in almost any direction. Ohio's major cities include the capital city of Columbus, as well as the Cincinnati in southwestern Ohio, Cleveland on the shores of Lake Erie in northeastern Ohio, and Toledo in northwestern Ohio.

Ohio Map

Map of Ohio

Ohio Links

  1. Ohio Government - official Ohio state website.
  2. Discover Ohio - Ohio travel and tourism.
  3. National Parks in Ohio
  4. Ohio QuickFacts - from the US Census Bureau.
  5. - Ohio

Ohio Resources

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Ohio History and Geography