Online Atlas - New York  

New York Atlas


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New York facts and history plus travel and tourism information.

Capital: Albany
Abbreviations: NY (postal), N.Y.
Area: 53,989 square miles
State Bird: Bluebird
State Tree: Sugar Maple
State Flower: Rose
State Motto: Excelsior - Ever upward
Nickname: The Empire State

Before the discovery of the New World, the Algonquian and Iroquois tribes dominated the New York region. Explorers Giovanni da Verrazano and Henry Hudson were among the first Westerners to enter the Hudson River around 1524. Dutch settlers soon followed and founded Manhattan in 1624. Forty years later, English named the area New York after the Duke of York, and French and English battled over territory during the French and Indian War. New York became the 11th state on July 26, 1788.

Most of New York's tourist attractions are found in New York City, one of the largest cities in the United States and a huge influence on American culture, commerce, and finance. The Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, Broadway, Times Square, and the New York Stock Exchange are major destinations. Beaches on Long Island are popular summer vacation retreats.

Outside of New York City, forests, dairy farms, and grape vineyards contribute to the landscape. The Adirondack Mountains stretch across northern New York state, and Buffalo and Niagara Falls draw tourists west.

New York Map

Map of New York

New York Links

  1. New York Government - official New York state website.
  2. The Official New York State Tourism Website - New York travel and tourism.
  3. National Parks in New York
  4. New York QuickFacts - from the US Census Bureau.
  5. New York City's Official Tourism Website
  6. - New York

New York Resources

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New York History and Geography