Old Faithful Geyser is located in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. The Washburn
Expedition of 1870, the first official expedition to Yellowstone, named it for its regular eruptions; it averages nearly
one per hour, with intervals ranging from 35-120 minutes. Old Faithful's eruptions result from an underground
buildup of high-pressure, boiling water. The steaming liquid eventually forces its way to the surface and out
through a mineral cone. The geyser then sputters and bubbles for about ten minutes before spraying 3,700 to 8,400
gallons of water high into the air. While eruptions at Old Faithful are usually about 130 feet high, they can reach
heights of more than 180 feet.

Old Faithful
• Wyoming - Find travel information, maps, tourist resources, and more photos of Wyoming.
• Old Faithful Geyser - Learn about this famous Wyoming geyser located in Yellowstone National Park.
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Old Faithful Geyser - Yellowstone National Park