Online Atlas - Georgia  

Georgia Atlas


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Georgia facts and history plus travel and tourism information.

Capital: Atlanta
Abbreviations: GA (postal), Ga.
Area: 58,977 square miles
State Bird: Brown Thrasher
State Tree: Live Oak
State Flower: Cherokee Rose
State Motto: Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation
Nicknames: The Peach State, The Empire State of the South

Located in southeastern United States, Georgia became the 4th American state on January 2, 1788. The famous classic film, Gone with the Wind, portrays the Civil War history and cotton plantations of Georgia, which still attract tourists to the state. Visitors can tour Civil War battle sites at Chickamauga and Chattanooga, remember Fort Sumter at Andersonville, enjoy historical Savannah, or explore older sites, such as colonial Fort Frederica.

Natural attractions include the Golden Isles off Georgia's Atlantic coast, the Appalachian Trail, the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest, and the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge.

Present-day Georgia is a leading manufacturer in the South, and a majority of the people live in urban areas. Other industries have been replacing the cotton industry since the Civil War, and Atlanta has become a bustling commercial center. However, peaches, peanuts, and pecans are widely grown in the state, and agriculture still thrives in large areas of Georgia.

Georgia Map

Map of Georgia

Georgia Links

  1. Georgia Government - official Georgia state website.
  2. Welcome to Georgia - Georgia travel and tourism.
  3. National Parks in Georgia
  4. Georgia QuickFacts - from the US Census Bureau.
  5. - Georgia

Georgia Resources

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Georgia History and Geography