Online Atlas - Colorado  

Colorado Atlas


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Colorado facts and history plus travel and tourism information.

Capital: Denver
Abbreviations: CO (postal), Colo.
Area: 104,100 square miles
State Bird: Lark Bunting
State Tree: Blue Spruce
State Flower: Rocky Mountain Columbine
State Motto: Nil Sine Numine - Nothing without providence
Nickname: The Centennial State

Before Colorado's statehood was established on August 1, 1876, many Plains Native Americans lived on the region's eastern plains and followed buffalo herds. However, in 1858, gold was discovered in the Rocky Mountains, and a flux of settlers eventually forced the indigenous tribal people onto reservations. Mesa Verde National Park is one small reminder of some of the land's original inhabitants, preserving ancestral Pueblo cliff dwellings in Colorado's southwest corner.

Other national attractions include Dinosaur National Monument, where dinosaur fossils were discovered in 1909 by paleontologist Earl Douglass, and Rocky Mountain National Park, where Colorado's massive western mountain range is the focal point. As well as boosting the economy with precious metals, Colorado's Rocky Mountains lure skiers and snowboarders to the state's numerous ski resorts.

Colorado's major cities include the capital, Denver, and Colorado Springs; both settlements lie on the edge between the plains and the mountains.

Colorado Map

Map of Colorado

Colorado Links

  1. Colorado Government - official Colorado state website.
  2. Official Colorado Travel and Tourism Website - Colorado travel and tourism.
  3. National Parks in Colorado
  4. Colorado QuickFacts - from the US Census Bureau.
  5. - Colorado

Colorado Resources

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Colorado History and Geography