Online Atlas - Arizona  

Arizona Atlas


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Arizona facts and history plus travel and tourism information.

Capital: Phoenix
Abbreviations: AZ (postal), Ariz.
Area: 114,006 square miles
State Bird: Cactus Wren
State Tree: Yellow Palo Verde
State Flower: Saguaro Cactus Blossom
State Motto: Ditat Deus - God enriches
Nickname: The Grand Canyon State

In 1863, land acquired by the United States from the US-Mexican War (1846-1848) and the Gadsden Purchase (1853), was established as the Arizona Territory. President Abraham Lincoln hoped that its gold mines would help replenish the Civil War-depleted federal treasury. Years later, on February 14, 1912, Arizona was granted statehood and entered the union as the 48th American state. Native American Tribes are an ongoing reminder of the land's original inhabitants and the history of the area.

Well-known for one of the wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon, Arizona is also remembered for its high temperatures, deserts, and interesting rock formations. Despite the hot, dry climate, widespread irrigation systems ease water concerns and contribute to the economy and desirability of the present-day southwestern state. The Hoover Dam, an impressive concrete structure on the Colorado River, controls flooding and contributes to irrigation, water storage, and hydroelectric power. Lake Mead, the reservoir created by Hoover Dam, provides fish and wildlife habitats and offers recreational fishing, boating, and swimming facilities.

Arizona Map

Map of Arizona

Arizona Links

  1. Arizona Government - official Arizona state website.
  2. The Arizona Guide from the Arizona Office of Tourism
  3. Arizona Heritage Traveler - Arizona travel and tourism.
  4. National Parks in Arizona
  5. Arizona QuickFacts - from the US Census Bureau.
  6. - Arizona

Arizona Resources

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Arizona History and Geography